🗣 Francesca Piccoli is a metamorphic petro-geochemist, currently working as a SNSF post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Geological Sciences at the university of Bern.
🗣 Giulia Guidobaldi is a geologist with focus on landscape analysis, glacial geomorphology, paleoclimate and geochronology. She is currently working as a lab assistant at the ETH-Zürich.
🔊 Abstract: The analysis of the 17 years-dataset of the SGM reveals a positive trend towards a better gender balance since 2003. Nevertheless, data also show that strong disparity between men and women still exists in the advanced career positions and in the representation in prominent roles in public events (e.g. plenary speakers). A large fraction of female participants are students or PhD students, confirming the important drop out of female scientists in academia after the PhD. Another important finding is the prominent horizontal segregation observed among geosciences disciplines. Considering the large student participation at the SGM, it is reasonable to think that diversifying session conveners and chair persons might be helpful to make female students feel more welcome, empowered, and overcome possible drop out. A significant step forward is expected in the next years, after the introduction by the SCNAT of new guidelines for the SGM that explicitly recommend that diversity and gender balance should be considered when selecting keynote speaker and member of the local organization committee.
🎤 The convener introducing this talk is Silvia Omdeo-Sale from university of Geneva.
📅 This talk is part of a GEODES workshop “Gender Diversity and Equality Workshop”. It was hosted at Swiss Geoscience Meeting (SGM) 2020, on 6th Nov. 2020, online. The workshop aimed to raise awareness of the benefits that gender diversity, equality and inclusion bring for scientific advancement and research culture. It addressed the challenges, the statistics and the initiatives aimed at improving gender equality in the Swiss (Geo)science community.
🌈 Geosciences Diversity and Equality Switzerland (GEODES) is a committee of swiss geoscientists who supports and promotes initiatives to foster gender equality, diversity and inclusion in Swiss Geosciences.
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